White Wash

Monday, March 26, 2012

Fishing at GiGi’s
Many of you know, and many of you may have never noticed… there is a pond at GiGi’s.  It is not a ‘pretty’ pond yet, but we have a plan…not sure when we will get there, but we do have a plan to make it a beautiful pond!  Anyway, Quaid is 7 years old (I don’t even know when THAT happened-you blink and they are grown up) he has been bugging his Dad to fish for weeks.  Brad broke down and got out the fishing gear last night.  They dug worms, which by just listening to them outside-you would have thought they hit the jackpot-Quaid gets a little excited about even the worm digging before the fishing!  Soon, bobbers were in the pond.  Kennedi is 5 years (almost 6) was the first to catch a fish!  I am not sure how that happened, she fishes with a PINK Barbie pole and she is LOUD, when she fishes-singing and hooping and squealing, along with a little dance-always dancing around.  But anyway, she was the first to reel-in a fish!  She wouldn’t touch the fish, so Quaid had to hold it for her!  She just wanted to ‘pet’ the fish before throwing it back!

Kennedi's first catch of the season!

Quaid caught the next fish with a pole that is bigger than he is! 

Can you see the fish?

Dad was busy, the worms they found were very tiny (newborn-if there is such a thing)!  So as soon as he would cast the worm into the water the fish sucked it right off of the hook!  So, for a while, all Brad got done is bating and casting.  At one point Kennedi said, “Daddy, why aren’t you fishing?”, so oblivious to the fact that she needed a new worm about every 5 seconds!  Kennedi was done fishing in less than an hour so her and I came to the house while Dad and Quaid continued to fish.  Each time a fish was caught I could hear Quaid’s excitement, a few times he ran to the house to get me and the camera-usually running so hard he lost a shoe in the process.  They (mostly Brad) caught some nice looking bass.  Brad finally convinced Quaid he had a good day of fishing after it had turned dark and they headed to the house.

Quaid is so proud of these fish-and he didn't even catch them-Dad did!

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